Rafaela Miranda Rocha


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Rafaela Rocha
What is your interest in slime moulds? (we need to know you're not a bot or spamster)
I'm fascinated by natural patterns and structures, and all things micro
Academic Institution (if applicable)
MA Art and Science - Central Saint Martins

Comment Wall:

  • Heather Barnett

    Hi Rafaela, Did your experiment make it home in one piece and survive a new day?

    The collective experiment we did yesterday has been busy overnight. I'll post photos here of its progress in the next day or two.

    Best, Heather

  • Heather Barnett

    Black spores means it went into fruiting stage - possibly too much light or couldn't find food - so not dead, just fruiting! Happy to send a new stock plate to Nathan for those who want to try again, maybe with agar base this time. I'll grow some and send next week.