Soichiro Tsuda


United Kingdom

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So Tsuda
What is your interest in slime moulds? (we need to know you're not a bot or spamster)
I do research on slime moulds, currently at University of the West of England towards biomorphic robot using physarum slime moulds.

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  • Blaine O'Neill

    I'm interested in plasmodial networks and their urban design implications (transport, infrastructure, housing development). Currently trying to figure out quantitative data and imaging techniques for research with physarum next semester.
  • Blaine O'Neill

    awesome, thanks for the recommendation.

    traveling now but when i'm back in the lab in august i might ask for your advice regarding a few things.
  • dan baker

    Soichiro the fluorescent particles in the slime mold is amazing, I was wondering if you could explain how you did that?

    I've recently started growing these and am very curious


    dan baker

    new york