The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

Big bang, big disappointment :)

Four weeks of crazy work,  turning the spare room into a culture lab and time lapse studio I made enough culture for two thousand people and I should be there with my friends and colleagues on the stand inspiring the next generation of scientists,  slime fans and eccentrics.  

Unfortunately I'm stuck on a hospital ward with fifty stitches in my neck waiting until I'm allowed home. So it goes I suppose but damn I was looking forward to the Big Bang Fair,  I couldn't even bring a slime into hospital :(

The experience has reawakened my enthusiasm for playing with physarum though - bigger and better maps,  food choice plates and weird experiments are in the planning.  I set up spare cultures before I came ( gotta get your priorities right when you need prompt surgery ;)) so if they don't let me out soon there will be more escapes... 

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