The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

All Blog Posts (121)

Advice on slime mould mazes? - A request

Hello! I'm not sure if anyone will actually see this haha, but I am currently working on a little project and have been having some trouble getting mazes for some tests I want to run.

I have tried to make some myself (out of hot glue and also plasticine) which, as expected, was a fruitless venture... lol

I was wondering, if anyone saw this, if I could get some advice on making a maze that the slime mould won't climb over and would preferably (not essential) fit inside an (I…


Added by G on June 13, 2024 at 11:21 — No Comments


This is an VERY interesting plugin about slime molds on grasshoppers. However, I encountered some issues when trying to install it. Can someone help me?

My email:

Added by Duan on October 3, 2023 at 14:23 — No Comments

If you are a professional, I would love to hop on a call about Physarum!

Hey everyone!! My name is Emilė, I am an IB student in an international school in Japan. I am currently writing my World Studies Extended Essay paper on how slime molds (specifically Physarum polycephalum) can help design better transport systems to help improve the carrying capacity of the top fastest growing cities in Africa.

I am looking for professional opinions, so if anyone would be up for a quick chat, I would greatly appreciate that. I could send the questions in advance and I…


Added by Emile Marija on August 29, 2023 at 23:08 — 1 Comment

Physarum Roseum

I was wondering if anyone had a sclerotium of physarum roseum that they would be willing to part with. I would like to start expanding my collection to include other species. Many thanks, Robert.

Added by Robert on August 26, 2023 at 3:13 — No Comments

First sclerotia!

My first time producing "daywalker" sclerotia. The instructions in Ian's manifesto worked perfectly!…


Added by Ben Gruver on July 31, 2023 at 15:04 — No Comments

Slime Mold Integrated Wearable Device

Hey all,

Wanted to share a project I just published at a conference. I definitely benefited from this community (everyone here is so inspiring and helpful :) ) and I even got some of my first slime mold samples from @ian. You can see in the paper I shouted out to this community too!


In this paper, we explore how embedding a…


Added by Jasmine Lu on November 14, 2022 at 21:57 — 2 Comments

sclerotium for a treatise anyone?

I wonder if anyone would consider a trade. I am aiming to cultivate physarum polycephalum slime mould in my Kindergarten classroom again; call it a class pet or kin-folk, in the past it's been a good experience for us. Trouble is, I don't currently have any sclerotium and wondered…


Added by Aaron Senitt on October 2, 2022 at 23:35 — No Comments

Unidentified other mold

Whilst monitoring the growth of my physarum polycephalum culture, I noted the formation of an unidentified green mold. It does not seem to be impacted the growth of Molly (the physarum polycephalum) however is visibly apparent. Attached is a photo. Does anyone know what kind of mold this is and any information on it?…


Added by Mimi Osborne on November 25, 2021 at 20:37 — 1 Comment

Slime Mould commission

I did this commission working with slime mould and food coloring about a year ago and I realized I never shared it on this page! So here it is for anyone interested: (it's the result of a small digital residency with a maths magazine)…


Added by Núria Rovira Terradas on November 18, 2021 at 13:23 — No Comments

Maizie V Larry

This week's bout features Maizie the Physarum polycephalum against Larry the Lichen (heritage unknown).  Larry is the heavyweight and the younger of the two at a mere 250 million years but it's thought the agility and experience of Maizie (600 million years) will win through.  This could turn nasty.    

Ding ding!…


Added by AndyGadget on November 17, 2021 at 17:00 — 1 Comment

Can Physarum polycephalum detect a magnetic field?

There is a paper detailing how a slime mould can be guided by loading it with ferromagnetic particles and steering it with magnets, but I was wondering whether an un-modified physarum could detect a magnetic field.

I ran a set of 4 time-lapses using a strong magnet (top of picture) and starting conditions as shown in the photo so heading towards the pole would give it a guaranteed food reward.  I would expect the slime to preferentially set off towards the pole if it 'learned' that…


Added by AndyGadget on November 15, 2021 at 10:46 — 2 Comments

Another time lapse brewing.

Just starting off another time lapse.

I mentioned before that the Physarum seemed to take a long time to get going on the art paper substrate I was using.  It did speed up after a bit and I was wondering if it had begun to disregard an unpleasant substance in the paper.  The experiment I've just started is to see if this may be the case.

Slime mould A is from the previous run on the art paper.

Slime mould B has only been exposed to clean kitchen tissue.…


Added by AndyGadget on November 1, 2021 at 22:28 — No Comments

Maizie's Travels.

This is my Physarum Polycephalum exploring its Petri dish over the space of 3 days.  One second of video time equals 30 minutes of real time.

Maizie's Travels.

Added by AndyGadget on November 1, 2021 at 16:00 — No Comments

Template for 85mm Petri Dish.

This is a 3D printed template for cutting an 85mm disc to sit in the bottom of a Petri dish.  

STL for this is on Thingiverse :

Added by AndyGadget on October 29, 2021 at 17:30 — 1 Comment

First video (Now up!)

Still work to do on getting the best from the camera.  Exposure is unstable (yes, auto-exposure is off) and I can probably get better quality from  it, but tweaking is the fun part.  The video was taken at 1 minute intervals over a day and a half.

As for the Physarum, I was trying watercolour art paper which is fairly absorbent if soaked but suspect there is something in there that the slime doesn't like as it's developing much more slowly than a slime growing on kitchen tissue in a…


Added by AndyGadget on October 28, 2021 at 21:00 — No Comments

Time lapse rig

I'm looking to keep my slime mould experimentations in a cupboard so designed and 3D printed a compact time-lapse rig using a microcontroller camera (ESP32-CAM).  Only goes to 1600x1200 pixels and quality isn't great so doesn't stand too much magnification, but fine for watching the overall growth patterns of the slimy beast. …


Added by AndyGadget on October 28, 2021 at 20:46 — No Comments

Maizie, Day 4.

I rehydrated Maizie on Thursday and she's already trying to escape to pastures new. 

(OK, I know they have over 700 sexes or whatever, but it's a she :¬)

Added by AndyGadget on October 24, 2021 at 20:46 — No Comments

What Slime Knows - ( )

interesting post

Added by Scott Stensland on September 10, 2021 at 18:19 — No Comments

Help possible slime mold identification!

Hello everyone!

I went to the forest the other day and tried to forage some slime.

I found this on decaying wood, grabbed them, and took them home to some Petri plates with coffee filters (I'm aiming to grow them in agar), I'm not sure if what I have here is P. polycephalum (giving the intense yellow color). Could someone help me know if I'm on the right track???  …


Added by Gala Montiel on June 30, 2021 at 16:40 — 1 Comment

I want to try using slime molds in my design

Hi, guys!
I am a student of the Academy of Fine Arts, and I want to design slime molds for my graduation project. I want to combine the feature of slime molds automatically choosing the optimal path into the tailoring of clothing.
Any other thoughts?
Please give me some guidance and advice!
I also welcome friends from different majors to discuss with me.

Added by Ruiko on March 2, 2021 at 9:27 — 1 Comment

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