The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

BLOB vs Voltage - Which Voltage is a blob sensitive to ?




Which Voltage is a blob sensitive to ?

An experiment from FJ Deminière.

File available on my drop box folder:

FJD's Blob Folder



Experiment with 4 test zones


What we need:

A « Petri » Box, at least 2 current lab generators, one for continuous and second for alternative.


Side View of the box cut A-A’


Top View

This experiment is quite more difficult as many voltages are possible.

Let’s try continuous under 1,23v (hydrolysis threshold) and over 1,23v

Do the alternative current form changes anything?


The experiment process:

A Blob is put on the central food spot.

One picture every xx hour/minutes during xx days

Where will the Blob eat first?
Where will it stay most?

Where will he never go even if hungry?

Alternative process:

A Blob is put on the central food spot and let it's grow to every food spots in the dark.

When the blob is everywhere, power on the electrodes.

Where will it stay most?

From where did it leave faster?

One picture every xx hour/minutes during xx days


Any other good questions?

is there an electro-sensitive organ for the Blob?


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