The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

REVIEW 'Two Beings Collaborate on Art, One a Human, Another a Slime Mold'

Review by Allison Meierof Physarum work recently on show as part of Cut/Paste/Grow: BioArt in Brooklyn, curated by GenSapce, William Myers and Observatory

Two Beings Collaborate on Art, One a Human, Another a Slime Mold

"Over in a corner of the recently opened “BioArt” exhibition Cut/Paste/Grow: Science at Play at the Observatory in Gowanus, which focuses on art involving genetic engineering and other “bio” experiments, I noticed a project by London-based artist Heather Barnett involving a maze and slime mold, and I became curious about the elegant patterns that the slime mold formed through her work. The whole exhibition, organized by the Observatory with Genspace, a nonprofit lab and place for biotechnology learning for scientists, artists, and anyone who is curious, was concentrated on artistic experiments with biological materials, such as DNA, bacteria, and living tissue, yet I found Barnett’s art to be the most thoughtful and beautiful approach to this offbeat form of art."

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