I am currently studying A' Level Biology, Chemistry and Economics and have decided to complete an EPQ entitled 'Is Physarum Polycephalum the future of Biotechnology?'
I have researched Physarum Polycephalum and its uses in Biotechnology specifically covering its potential in Biocomputers, Whole Body Regeneration, Maze solving, Wireless Sensor Networks and Physarum's antimicrobial properties amongst others.
I have used many scientific journal and papers including work byToshiyuki Nakagaki and Andrew Adamatzky. However, when finalising and reviewing my EPQ (due to be completed 23rd March) I feel I am lacking in primary sources and wondered if anyone could add anything to my research or let me know their thoughts on my final conclusion - that Physarum is a highly promising venture in a variety of subjects and needs to be explored further.