An international network of/for intelligent organisms
Time: August 30, 2015 from 3pm to 9pm
Location: Floating Cinema
Street: Andrews Road, by Broadway Market
City/Town: London E8 4QJ
Website or Map:…
Event Type: workshop, screening
Organized By: super/collider
Latest Activity: Aug 9, 2015
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15.00 - 16:30 and 17.00 - 18:30
Workshops with Heather Barnett - get hands on with slime mould, an intelligent life form intriguing scientists throughout the world with its impressive capacity to make decisions, solve problems and learn from its environment. Discover the mysterious behaviours of this beautiful brainless blob and take home an unusual pet.
Heather Barnett is a British artist with an international reputation for innovative interdisciplinary work involving scientists, artists, participants and organisms. Working with imaging technologies, photography, and installation, projects have included microbial portraiture, cellular wallpapers, performing cuttlefish and an on-going ‘collaboration’ with the intelligent slime mould, Physarum polycephalum.
19.30 Screening of The Creeping Garden. (Dirs: Tim Grabham, Jasper Sharp, 2014, 81 mins)
A real life science fiction movie exploring a world creeping right beneath our feet, where time and space are magnified and intelligence redefined.
The Creeping Garden is a feature length creative documentary exploring the work of fringe scientists, mycologists and artists, and their relationship with the extraordinary plasmodial slime mould being used to explore biological-inspired design, emergence theory, unconventional computing and robot controllers, much of which borders on the world of science fiction.
With an original soundtrack composed by celebrated musician and producer Jim O’Rourke (Sonic Youth, Werner Herzog’s ‘Grizzly Man’) this is a unique exploration into a hitherto untapped subject matter, observing and immersing the audience into the worlds of the observers and the observed.
Tickets: £6.50 /cons £5
Everyday Aliens is curated by artist collective super/collider
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