What is your interest in slime moulds? (we need to know you're not a bot or spamster)
I was exposed to Physarum Polycephalum when I started learning about the the P versus NP Problem, which lead to a fascination with the Traveling Salesman Problem, and eventually to my fascination in slime and the choice to adopt slime mold as an adored pet/test subject back in 2016.
Since 2016 I have learned a new variety of skills that have taken my slime mould research to a new level. By learning SolidWorks and 3D printing, I am now starting to create my own 3D environments for my slime to explore. By learning basic electronics I was able to make myself a 3D printed optical microscope that allows me to do optogenetic, thermogenetic stimulation and fluorescence microscopy, (Google FlyPi for more info).
I am currently working with my DIY microscope set up in conjunction with the camera tracking abilities of OpenMV to explore innovative ways of controlling robotics with Physarum Polycephalum.
I am Marketing Director for a manufacturing company. I work with Physarum Polycephalum in my free time because it is one of the most intriguing and beautiful organism I have ever discovered.
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