Spore Change | Physarum PolycephalumvideoSpore Change | Physarum Polycephalum1 Like
September 2018
Urgent need of plasmodium [London]Hi everyone!
I am a master student in Interaction Design at the London College of Communication.
During the past 6 months, I worked on a project involving slime molds
I am now preparing a show in Lo…DiscussionUrgent need of plasmodium [London]1 Like
March 2018
Network formation of the Slime Mold Physarum…videoNetwork formation of the Slime Mold Physarum…3 Likes
February 2018
Growing Slime Mold at the Open bioLab Graz A…videoGrowing Slime Mold at the Open bioLab Graz A…3 Likes
January 2018
actin Maximum intensity projectionphotoactin Maximum intensity projection2 Likes