Filming for TV!I had a Tv crew in on Tuesday after three changes of date. It was a very strange experience, I had no idea how much kit this actually involves - and how large professional rigs are - the sound kit in…DiscussionFilming for TV!5 LikesDay jobsPhysarum doesn't exist in a vacuum ( I've tried - it doesn't end well ), what do our members do with their time when they're not taming protista? How diverse is our little colony?
I'm a microscopist…DiscussionDay jobs1 LikeHow to get a physarum cultureSo you want slime?
I can give you slime. I'll post physarum to anyone anywhere free of charge.
"Free?" you say, surely that's too good to be true?
Indeed it is, I said free of charge, not actua…DiscussionHow to get a physarum culture32 LikesMySlimeMoldphotoMySlimeMold1 Like
October 2019
Top Tips for growing Physarum Polycephalum...If you're keen to grow your own the slime mould Physarum Polycephalum, this information may help...
Preferred conditions: dark and damp (for example: petri dishes or tupperware in a shoe box or simil…DiscussionTop Tips for growing Physarum Polycephalum...8 LikesN5D_5732photoN5D_57321 LikeWhoops!photoWhoops!4 Likes