The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

Okay, so slime mold can be propagated via spores. But are those spores a fixed number of cells? When slime mold is fed do the cells actually replicate and grow to make a larger organism?

Hypothetically speaking, could I take a 1 gram piece of plasmodium and cut it in half, then feed each half untill they are 1 gram each?

One more question. How long can slime mold be kept in its plasmodia stage with optimal food and moisture conditions? Can it be kept indefinitely?

Thanks in advance!

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As plasmodium the substance exists as a large single cell with lots of diploid nuclei that divide in synchrony. So in answer to your question the plasmodium will gain mass as long as the environmental conditions are favourable.  

To answer your last question, plasmodium can last for long periods of time as long as good environmental conditions are met. It is important to remember that the longer you keep the plasmodium going, the more mass it will gain and the harder it will be to accommodate environmental conditions without dividing its mass into other environments.  

I hope this helps!

if you have any other questions please ask,



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