The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

Hello readers!

This is a bit of an unfortunate first post for me haha, however, I thought it might be good to inform people: there is a user by the name of Erica Woodward who has been commenting on new users' profiles (such as mine) to initiate email correspondence in which they attempt to convince you of some bs about inheritance from some doctor who supposedly died a while ago.

Overall, the scam makes no sense and isn't too hard to spot, but I think it should be noted in case anyone comes across this account. (Personally, I was just a bit sad about not getting to talk about cool slime moulds, if I'm being honest, lol).

It might be good for this user to be removed if possible (I'm very new to the site and am not too sure how things are done around here) as a matter of precaution.

I can also provide proof of this email correspondence if necessary.

I hope this is appropriate to post, just wanted to help if I can.


- G

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I replied by e-mail right now:(. Thank you very much for your information. It should definitely be removed from the website.

Of course! (And I definitely agree with the idea of their removal). 

Stay safe, mate <3

Thanks for alerting re: spam. Occasionally one gets through moderation. I've banned the spamster, so hopefully you can get back to slime mould chat, not fending off inheritance scams. 

Thank you so much! Your quick action is very appreciated :]

Yea! I got the same name Erica Woodward asking me to contact them as a reply to my introductory post, having registered with the collective recently. I didn't open the email as it certainly seemed like spam.

- A 


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