The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

Seeing as we're all - to varying degrees - locked down with our slime moulds, would anyone like to join a slimoco online meet up sometime later this month?

I was thinking of an informal meet up on Zoom, where members can share what they're up to and we can exchange notes - quick intros, followed by a bunch of people giving short (3 minute) presentations and then open it up for discussion.

Message here if you're in!

- and state where you are in the world so we can try and find a time that suits everyone. 

- and state if you have any burning questions or hot topics you'd love to discuss.

Date wise how about Saturday 30 May?

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 Hi Friends!

I would be glad to take a part in next meet up if it is possible ;)

Saved chat from today's meeting with links and comments...meeting_saved_chat.txt

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful projects and being generous with your knowledge. :)

We can do another one whenever people want to share stuff... just comment here on slimoco and we can arrange a time.


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