"Hi Ian,
Are you a researcher ? If so, from which university?I'm very curious about the blobs you have. Where does your "normal" blob and your daywalker come from ? (as far as you can know).
I am a myrmecologist, I have done research…"
"Daywalker is P.polycephalum ( the only non physarum I distribute is Mandy the presumed cribraria ). I don't know if it's 'blind' ( ie can't detect light ) or sporulation defective - experiment to be set up tonight ( time…"
"I rear strains now and then from spores, Daywalker was just one that cropped up with a noticeably different trait. I have a hybrid ( presumed hybrid anyway - I haven't done genetics on it ) between the Hokkaido ( Japan ) strain and…"
"You are my hero. I have time, I can wait.
I do not know X32-Daywalker but it will be very interesting to observe and do all the basic experiments without knowing the results.
Thank you so much"
"Just because these cultures came from labs in different countries it doesn't mean they originated in them - they've been around since the 70's and I don't think anyone knows where they came from but I have strains of Physarum…"
"I would like observing in time lapse their movements (classified by country) , and give them different recipes and watching if he likes exactly the same thing.
See If he realizes the experiments differently according to the country ... I am not a…"
What is your interest in slime moulds? (we need to know you're not a bot or spamster)
How not to be interested by Slime mold.
With just one cell he can do a lot of things, and help us to answer so many questions. From elementary school to the big laboratory Slime mold is here to teach you.