The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

I'm starting to dream about slime mould, maybe I should go for a blood test - perhaps it's infected me

One aspect of the physarum life cycle is still evading the cameras - Spore formation. Normally I don't have a problem making spores but putting the organism in a natural(ish) setting and pointing multiple cameras at it seems to make it misbehave. I might have to rethink the setup to improve my chances - hard drives are getting very full now as the number of stills hits nearly 200gb. 

This means I have actually taken more photos of physarum than any other subject and I'm not too far off having more photos of physarum than all other photos combined.

I'm starting to dream about slime mould, maybe I should go for a blood test - perhaps it's infected me

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Comment by ian on April 13, 2015 at 20:45

Have you named it :)

Having a disaster - 64gb card - full - has been corrupted, the recovery program's been running for 3 hours, found ten thousand images but hasn't let me copy the blasted things across yet

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