The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms


slimoco London

Join if you're based in/near London (UK) and interested in meeting and/or swapping cultures...

Location: London, UK
Members: 17
Latest Activity: Mar 14

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Comment by Gregory Warner on March 14, 2025 at 23:00

Glad to meet this group! I'm based in NYC but I'll be visiting London and Edinburgh next month. I'm hoping to go out and find some slime molds at what I hope is perfect time of year to discover them: mid-April! Would love to join any expeditions -- or help organize one. 

Comment by Edward Ward on April 3, 2019 at 13:36

Hi all, any thoughts of meeting soonish?! I'm hoping to get a small art project off the ground and would love to have a chat with some experts in the field! 


Comment by mm on February 21, 2019 at 4:05

hello dear friends, I would like to know where to buy slime mold in London, or website, I need some recommends, thanks!

Comment by Derndorfer on February 15, 2018 at 17:26

Hello, I'm a Biohacker from Graz, Austria. And I work in my freetime with Physarum polycepharum :)
I visited London for the first time in 2016, it was very nice. There are also biohacker in London, maybe they want to get in touch with you, to share and help each other.

I'll check out your group sometimes and hope to get back soon to London.

See ya

Comment by Rosie on February 22, 2016 at 22:14

Hi Heather,

Count me in. Would be really interesting to meet other people working or wanting to work with slime mould. I very much enjoyed/ appreciated the last London event attended. Keep us posted. Rosie 

Comment by Loveness Li on February 19, 2016 at 12:00

Dear Heather,

I am a jewellery designer based in London, very interested in the slimoco meet up. Please keep me updated, and excited to meet everyone soon!

Comment by Heather Barnett on February 14, 2016 at 21:22

Hi Emilie, Welcome to slimoco. Dried culture usually comes back to life by adding water (distilled or cooled boiled water best) and then once it starts wriggling (a few hours later) add an oat or two. It doesn't always reawaken from dormant state. If you get stuck I'll be running some slime mould workshops in March (in London and Edinburgh - dates will be posted soon) so you could get a live culture then. Once the plasmodium is creeping any damp substrate will do.

Comment by Emilie Pugh on February 14, 2016 at 14:28
Hi heather, I'm an artist based in London and came across your amazing ted talk which got
Me looking into slime mould. I'd be really
Keen to come to your next meeting. In the mean time so I have stuff to discuss I'd love to get mine growing but I'm not sure how to begin.. Any tips to activate the dried culture and how much oatmeal
Agar to put down and water etc would be really appreciated.
Comment by Heather Barnett on January 25, 2015 at 13:38

I will be arranging a slimoco meet up in London sometime soon, for people to share their research and interests in slime moulds, open to all disciplines and backgrounds. Date and venue to be decided.

If interested in coming along to share what you do and meet others, please leave a message here...


Members (17)


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