I have just joined the forum with a view to learning lots about slime moulds, and to photograph them in UV and also film them in time-lapse. I am a complete novice with them. I would like to get a culture to start the process please. Any…"
I have just joined the forum with a view to learning lots about slime moulds, and to photograph them in UV and also film them in time-lapse. I am a complete novice with them. I would like to get a culture to start the process please. Any…"
What is your interest in slime moulds? (we need to know you're not a bot or spamster)
I am a photographer specialising in using photography to visualise "unseen" events e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, high speed, time-lapse etc. I want to investigate slime moulds for UVand time-lapse photography.