The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

So you want slime? 

I can give you slime. I'll post physarum to anyone anywhere free of charge. 

"Free?" you say, surely that's too good to be true? 

Indeed it is, I said free of charge, not actually free. This is the slime mould collective, lone oat flakes do not get visited by physarum fairy. You must prove your worth if you want to join and engage with the network. Assimilation doesn't hurt, we promise and you might like it. 

Tell us why you want the slime, what are your hopes and fears for slimekind? Where do you you see your slime in five years time?

A paragraph, a short story, maybe a few lines of verse, how about an expressive dance? We don't mind we just want you to communicate.

In return we will let you have your very own slime sent discreetly in a plain envelope - your friends and family need never know! 

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Hello! I have been fascinated by slime mould ever since I saw a YouTube video and did some research. I’ve tried to grow a colony, but it failed. In joining, I was hoping that I could get some help, info, tips and a sample of physarium that I can confirm, will work.

As of now I hope to do many things with slime mould, for starters, I have read part of The Slime Mould Manifesto and would like to try forming some sclerotium(s?), maybe give some away and try to get more people interested in this. I would also like to try experimenting with it, seeing how it works, what it can do, even investigate its “memory” I’ve seen some posts on.

That’s also where I see my colonies in the future, doing interesting experiments and studies, maybe see if it can interact with computers using itself as a switch between two metal prongs or seeing if it could sense and react to electricity, as well as studies on its memory during/after splitting colonies and touching a separate colony (I've seen things saying they share info like locations of food when they touch).

As for some media, here’s a story of a slime mould looking for oats:

In the quiet darkness of the damp landscape, I, a humble slime mould, continued my quest. My world consisted of vast, sprawling tissues, each drenched in moisture, a perfect environment for my kind.

Without the luxury of scent or sight, my search for sustenance was a methodical exploration. I extended my moist tendrils across the fibrous terrain, feeling my way through the landscape. Each movement was deliberate, a slow, creeping crawl across the damp expanse.

My tentacles fanned out, spreading in all directions. It was a game of chance, a patient spreading of my network in hopes of stumbling upon food. Moments turned into what felt like an eternity as I searched the landscape, exploring every crevice and corner.

Suddenly, I felt something different. I enveloped it, testing its texture and composition. It was an oat flake, soft and inviting. Triumph surged through me.

Replenished and invigorated, I retreated, leaving behind the waste. My tendrils retracted, drawing me back into the center of myself. Soon I would embark on another journey through the damp tissues, another quest for sustenance.

In this empty landscape, every day was a challenge, but it was one I faced with determination and resilience. For I was a slime mould, navigating my world through touch and persistence, and each discovery was a testament to the power of mould.

Thank you very much!
From, Liam
If you could send me a sclerotium, that would be amazing! Let me know and I can send you my mail address. Thank you!
There once was a user named Blaserk
With a a bright room, due to this quirk:
Despite it being winter in the Arctic,
She found light inside quite cathartic,
And sought sclerotia still willing to lurk!

I'd love a way to continue engaging with slime molds, even as the snowy winter sets in. Please let me know if you have any Daywalker available! (Or, lacking that, any other slime strains.)

Thank you.

Started today!
With preparations I mean.

Last year I tried to solve the  “Salesman”-problem along 207 cities in the Netherlands, where I live. Using a python program based on a genetic algoritm. Read about Physarum Polycephalum and its ability to solve simular problems. Decided to study more about slime molds. This month I joined this Collective. My first goal is to experiment with a map of the Netherlands with some oat on the major cities to see what happens.

I spent some afternoons walking through the forest to find slime mold but I think it’s now to cold because I couldn’t find any.

Therefor this request to send me some samples so I can start my experiments. Look at it as a christmas present ☺️

Please give me a reaction and tell me how I can provide you with my address.



Hello Ian,

I am very interested in receiving one of your slime cultures.

I am willing to send you, quid pro quo, one of my Amazing Mazes for Blob experiments.

I have three maze models available and I am working on some new ones. If anybody needs a specific type of maze, please use my page for a request and I will try to get something done.

I started a page on this website (My Page - The Slime Mould Collective) and also on on Reddit: Experimenting with mazes for Physarum polycephalum, a question. : r...

Now I am looking for somebody who can help me out with at least one species of blob so I can start my experiments on them.


Cheers, Jos.


I'm not sure if Ian is still sending out sclerotia, I haven't seem him active on here in a while. But If you're in the U.S. I might be able to help :)


Unfortunately I live in Europe but thank you for your kind reaction.

But then again we don’t have Trump ☺️

(but there are plenty lunatics like him in Europe)




Ik heb al wat Physarum Polycephalum wat ik aan het vermeerderen ben. Als dat lukt wel ik je best wat samples opsturen. Geef je adres maar door via mijn mail .

Waar denk je de doolhoven van te maken ?


Jan Jonkers


Hallo Jan,

Ik stuur je mijn gegevens via mail.

Over de doolhoven:

Ik 3D print deze vooreerst met PLA omdat ik daarvan nog een voorraad heb, maar later ga ik PET-G gebruiken omdat dit iets sterker is en een iets hogere temperatuur kan verdragen. PET is hetzelfde als de bekende limonadeflessen....

Zowel PLA als ook PET-G zijn non-toxic, dat wil zeggen dat deze plastics geschikt zijn om in voedingsmiddelen te gebruiken. Daarom is het gebruik ervan bij experimenten met Physarium ook geen problemen zal opleveren.

Ik wil je graag, quit pro quo, een van mijn doolhoven sturen zodra ik een eerste test met een blob heb kunnen uitvoeren. Zeg maar welk model je zou willen ontvangen als je daar belangstelling voor hebt.

Kijk op mijn pagina voor de beschikbare modellen.




Vermeerderen aan deze kant lijkt goed te gaan

kan nog wel een weekje duren 😊

Geduld is een schone zaak! Ik wacht het wel af. Succes!

Cheers, Jos

Hallo Jan,

Kun je mij vertellen op welke manier jij jouw Physarum cultiveert?

Ik moet natuurlijk wel een en ander voorbereid hebben als ik een Physarum  ga ontvangen.

In wat voor soort container (Petri schaaltjes?) en op welke basis (AgarAgar?) En wat geef je ze te eten?

Dat soort dingen.... En misschien ken je ook nog enkele valkuilen die ik moet vermijden.

Dank je wel, Jos.


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