The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

I feel like this would help more people become more able to afford a physarum polycephalum culture. Online suppliers have high quality cultures, but at astronomical prices despite the fact it is so easy to propagate this organism.
I personally have been on a quest to buy some physarum in its dormant stage from anyone willing to help me out. If you would like to sell me some please contact me at
In turn, as I propagate more slime mold I can donate it to members of this community! :D

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Great idea! Where are you based? Maybe geographical sub-groups can be set up for ease of swapping...

I live in southern Utah. I could distribute cultures to the surrounding states by mail, and the distance should be short enough that sclerotia would survive the trip. I would just need a sample to start propagating.
Although I am concerned that I won't be able to produce sporangia and germinate spores. Can anyone direct me to an easy method for this?
I'm still looking for someone willing to sell me some sclerotia. I contacted a professor at my local college and they won't be making any orders for science supplies for awhile. Help would be much appreciated. I live in Utah, USA.

I'm in the UK but happy to post you a sample across. It's only a tiny bit of card so wouldn't cost me much to post.

Can you post to London?

of course!


Could you post one to me:

Rosie Whicheloe

The Ecology Consultancy

72 Borough High Street, Borough, London SE1 1XF

and email me directly if you would like me to pay for postage etc.

A little bit about where it came from (what it likes and dislikes) and personal history would be nice too.

many thanks, Rosie

Hi peoples. I would like to get hold of a slime mould individual. I have looked in wooded areas in Wimbledon Common, and Epping forest (the home of dead wood) but to know avail....I see lichens and fungi bodies but no blobs. So, If anybody lives in London or knows of a place in London to find them - I would be really grateful.

I have a plan for an exciting experiment on ecological networks with slime mould.............

but need slime mould first!

Many thanks for reading my post, Rosie (needs directions!)

Send me a message with your address and I'll get one out to you

many thanks Ian - see above my address details.

I will be sure to upload my findings.

Best wishes.

I have aquired a way to produce sclerotia. Due to the recent influx of members and people needing cultures I will begin propagating the slime mold and will post back here when I have samples for trade.


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