The Slime Mould Collective

An international network of/for intelligent organisms

January 2017 Blog Posts (8)


Hi everybody,

Can we assume that a blob is part of flatland inhabitants as presented in the fiml :


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 30, 2017 at 13:57 — No Comments

Aquatic BLOB (French version)

Hi everybody !

Did you know about aquatic blobs in aquariums ?

extract from : ;

Abstract : The Didyum plasmoids are rare, they can be found at hydrangea foot.

They are not toxic for aquarium live, and the only way to get rid of them is to completely renew aquarium as they resist to any anti-fungal…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 24, 2017 at 10:23 — No Comments

BLOB vs Voltage - Which Voltage is a blob sensitive to ?




Which Voltage is a blob sensitive to ?

An experiment from FJ Deminière.

File available on my drop box folder:

FJD's Blob Folder



Experiment with 4 test zones


What we need:

A « Petri » Box, at least 2 current lab generators,…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 23, 2017 at 20:43 — No Comments

Blob vs Magnetism : Which Magnetism is a blob sensitive to?




Which Magnetism is a blob sensitive to?

An experiment from FJ Deminière.

File available on my drop box folder:

FJD's Blob Folder



Experiment with 4 test zones


What we need:

A « Petri » Box and several magnet and magnetic…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 23, 2017 at 20:00 — No Comments

BLOB vs Polarization - Which polarization do a blob will like/freak most?




Which polarization do a blob will like/freak most?

An experiment from FJ Deminière.

File available on my drop box folder:

FJD's Blob Folder



Experiment with 4 filters and a white / blue light


What we need:

A Black « Petri »…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 22, 2017 at 18:30 — No Comments

BLOB vs COLOR - Like-Freak

Witch color do a blob will like/freak most ?

An experiment from FJ Deminière.

File available on my drop box folder:

FJD's Blob Folder

Experiment with 8 Leds from Infra-Red to White passing by Ultra violet.…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 19, 2017 at 19:30 — 2 Comments

Hello !

Hi everybody, and Happy New Year.

My yound dougther is to be enter in Veterinarian studies after graduation... As she is interested in biology (and what ever around living), she browse scientific news on the web. Recently  she saw a TEDx Presentation about "Blob" intelligence. Now  she wants to try educate one "Clever Slime" too.

Do somebody could send us a sample to start experiments ? I've read about a ring somewhere on the site... Is it alive ?

We live in…


Added by François-Joseph Deminiere on January 19, 2017 at 11:50 — 1 Comment

The Physarum Experiments - in conversation, Sunday 15 January, London

Next Sunday afternoon I'll be in conversation with Natalia Zagorska-Thomas at Studio ExPurgamento, Camden, about interspecies creativity, control and authorship when working with living organisms.
The event is free but space is limited so please rsvp to reserve a place. There will be drinks. Hope to see you…

Added by Heather Barnett on January 9, 2017 at 13:50 — No Comments

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