An international network of/for intelligent organisms
Hi everyone,
I am an artist and architect. I've just started researching on slime mold for my thesis and I am looking for slime mold growth algorithm in order to use this algorithm as a design principle for generation of form in architectural spaces. Does anybody knows how I can find the algorithm or even any advise how I should proceed to get there? ...
Your research sounds very interesting and I'd like to hear more about this. Paul
Cellular automata is the standard approach to modelling physarum. The most cited paper at the moment is "A new model to imitate the foraging behavior of Physarum polycephalum on a nutrient-poor substrate" -
I'm not too hot on the computing front - I speak a little Matlab and ImageJ but if you come across papers you want to read but don't have access to I can probably help
Hi Ian,
sorry for the late reply, and thanks a lot. I am trying to see how I can use the game engine unity 3D for simulating slime mold. For that I require c#, which is pretty difficult for me to learn as an architect. I did some simulations with grasshopper which is a visual coding program.
here is a link;
Strange !
But it seem that the physarum get inside the body. Is it bug in programmation or I've crossed my eyes ?
François-Joseph ;-)
there is thickness as the second skin they can grow within it instead of spreading over a surface. However these are initial experiments and still need improvement in coding and design:)
Hi Roxane,
Perhaps will you find inspiration in these documents :
If you come in europe, please come and see "Sagrada Familia" in Barecola, Espagna
And if you come in Paris, France, I'll be pleased to drive you to Saint Sevin Church wher one can see spiral pillars :
These pictures are not so far from our subject as I believe there is nothing more than fractal in mold progression...
Best regards,
PLS, send me your work once you need an external eye.
Hi Roxane,
I can understand a blob to build best path for railway in japan... but, how can a Blob create the best path to rebuild concepts as chair, table or bed, house with constraints like cost, strength or volume ?
Actually the algorythms I've seen used to adapt constraints are simulated annealing like one can see in this publication : Can you imagine how to produce à landscape designed to give a solution to 3D problems by a 2D Blob ?
This is a really interesting job you are on !!!
Thank you very much for sending these links.there are some projects in this link ( ) that are very relevant to what I am looking forward to do with the slime mold's rules in order to generate 3 dimensional forms and architecture.
Hi Franc,
these are some initial experiments I did for design based on slime mold growth algorithms. I thought you might like it. I am trying to see how slime mold intelligence can rebuild and design for us.
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